Reducing Power Struggles for Adults Who Work with Children/Students Ages

Central United Methodist Church (1124 Stevens Dr, Richland, WA) 1124 Stevens Drive, Richland, WA 99354, Richland

Take home immediate and effective tools on how to reduce and avoid power struggles.“No I won’t and you can’t make me!”  Have you ever heard that from your student/child?Are you wanting to avoid power struggles? Join us for this fun, experiential 1.5 hour workshop that helps us understand what is underneath these power struggles and […]

Positive Discipline 6 Week Series for Adults Who Work with Children/Students ages Toddler to Teen!

Richland WA

Are you tired of threats, bribes and lectures? Our 6 -week class for parents and educators is based on Dr. Jane Nelsen’s Positive Discipline Book Series.  This is a research-based program that provides a step-by-step approach to effective tools and strategies for educators and parents. This program stands alone or offers significant enhancement to any […]

$150 – $255

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